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Showing posts from June, 2014

Ring Main Unit (RMU)

Keeping cool & Save Money in Summer

Keep air conditioner filters clean.  Air conditioner filters should be cleaned or replaced once a month during use. Maintain unobstructed airflow around vents and filters. Maintain 78ºF (26ºC).  For every degree you lower the temperature, the energy costs rise by 6 percent. A temperature setting of 75ºF (24ºC) costs 18 percent more; a 72ºF (22ºC) setting costs 36 percent more. Use a programmable thermostat.  No need to run the air conditioner when no one is home. Set timers to have the air conditioning come on 30 minutes before anyone arrives home. Keep doors closed.  Enter and exit your home quickly to keep cooled air in the house. Install a ceiling fan in rooms that are used often.  Occupants feel as cool under a ceiling fan at 82ºF (28ºC) as in 77ºF (25ºC) still air. Insulation is important.  Make sure your home has the appropriate amount of insulation in walls, attics and crawl spaces. Open windows at night.  To take advantage of naturally cool night

Save Energy Money at work place

Switch to energy-efficient compact fluorescent lamps.  They use about 25 percent as much energy and can last ten times longer, saving energy and replacement labor. Add occupancy sensors in rooms that are not occupied constantly, such as conference rooms, lunchrooms and restooms. Remove excess lights.  Many buildings have more lighting then needed. In some areas, half the light may be sufficient. When removing excess fluorescent tubes, remember to disconnect the ballasts that serve them. Install separate switches for smaller areas.  Some businesses have dozens of lights controlled by a single switch, and not all are needed at the same time. Have an electrician rewire lights into smaller groups on independent switches. Keep the heating and cooling to a minimum.  Heating and cooling accounts for half of the total energy use in office buildings. Request the heat set at 65ºF (18ºC) and the air conditioning at 76ºF (24ºC), and use a programmable thermostat to set back the tempera

Save Energy

In Most Industries a minor voltage fluctuation can cause malfunction in equipment or break down consequently and can hamper production. No One likes to risk the life of Costlier and sensitive electronic & electrical equipment, Our Variac Ty pe Digital Servo Stabilizer Equipped with latest Digital Micro Processors Controllers , have been designed to give a constant output voltage with stability of +/-1%. for more information please visit our website:  www.servosta 
COSMOSTAT INDUSTRIES (REGD.) -------------- a name to be reckon with in the field of Servo/Manual/Automatic Voltage Stabilizer, Variacs, CVT, Servo Motor & Transformer was found in the year 1989 by a young, Enterprising Graduate Mr. Mohd. Habib Siddiqui in small room at Laxmi Nagar, Delhi with one no. winding machine and one skilled labour. Since its inception it has been a constant endeavor of the company to produce best quality product at an affordable price with total customer satisfaction. With the passing of year COSMOSTAT INDUSTRIES (REGD.) have grown by leaps and bounds and is presently having a workshop of more than 5000 square feet with all ultra modern facilities for testing & production. COSMOSTAT INDUSTRIES (REGD.) have a wide dealer network spread across the length and breadth of the country and is enlisted with various Govt. and Multi national organization as their registered supplier. It is also planning to enter the export market in the very near future.